Two girls, Sakshi Malik and Pusarla Venkata Sindhu, among others stood out with their inspiring performances this year. While wrestler Sakshi came from behind and toppled her opponent in the final seconds to clinch a Bronze, Sindhu stormed her way into the final of singles badminton before valiantly going down to the World No. 1. Both have proved that girls are the pillars of strength.Sakshi opened an account for India in olympics and Sindhu added SILVER MEDAL TO IT. Our girls are power of strength they can stretch their limits to any length
They have made whole India proud
so now it s our duty to cheer them loud
Win more and shower many more winnings with your innings ALL the best..........jai hind
They have made whole India proud
so now it s our duty to cheer them loud
Win more and shower many more winnings with your innings ALL the best..........jai hind